

I was left behind with my scheduled BJP and I haven’t post  since December – so today is a special day for me. I’m back on track and here’s finally my BJP summary.

I have tried different tecniques bit by bit and usually it pays off. Sometimes I wish to learn  some other way than hard way, because it all happens so slowly and I’m rather impatient person, lol. Good thing is that once you learn something on your own, you learn it well ( thanks  for zillion repetitions :o)

So life is good and my March-heart is on it’s way. It only needs a little bit pondering, that’s all :o)

September                 October                      November


December                    January                      February

bjb_december_pikkukuva bjb_january_disco01bjp_february_cosy

Yksi vastaus »

  1. Voi että miten ihania sydämiä, kaikki! Mutta etenkin näihin kahteen viimeiseen piti palata vielä uudestaan :) Minkä kokoisia nämä on? Olet kyllä mahdottoman taitava!

  2. Kiitos Anu! :o)
    Sydän on halkaisijaltaan noin osapuilleen 3cm, sydämen ”syvennyksestä” kärkeen mitattuna. Tuosta helmikuun sydämestä tuli oudokseltaan pienempi kuin muista – jonkinlainen työtapaturma siis – tai rikkaus, ihan kuinka vaan :o)

  3. Voi että on hienoa nähdä nää peräkkäin! Onhan siinä varmaan urakkaa mutta kyllä se kannattaa! Koko vuoden tunnelmat tallentuneina sydämiin <3 <3 <3

  4. Ensimmäinen on niin upean värinen, toisessa lehtikuvio on ihan ykkönen. Kolmas taas on niin tumma ja tyylikäs, että en mä kuule osaa sanoa mikä on paras. Upeita nää sun juttusi!

  5. These are all so beautiful! I love the heart shape and that you can wear them! I tried to find my favorite. This is difficult because every one is beautiful. Maybe I have two favorites – September and February. Thank you for posting these wonderful pictures! Robin A.

  6. I love them all, Satu-Marja, and I also like the different backgrounds you have chosen to set off the hearts. My personal favourite is December, I see it as a winged heart that will take you to lovely places.


  7. Hello again, Satu-Marja

    Where did I have my eyes? I did pick a favourite, but that was SEPTEMBER, although I do like December very much, too – the choice is very difficult. But it was September’s ”wings” that got me. I was a little tired last night when visiting your blog.



    Sinäpä sen sanoit! Kiva muisto tästä projektista ainakin jää.

    Hih, helmi-sukulaisiahan tässä ollaan

    THANK YOU SO MUCH Bobbi, Robin, two times Sabine ;o) and Kathy V !!! <3

    It was good to have you here, my dear BJP-sisters!

  9. OOO all lovely! One question keeps bugging me though, why the color for February that you chose? usually one sees more red/pink colors and I am just wondering what made you choose what you did?

  10. Thank you Pam for stopping by! :o)

    Now that you asked me that I realized – February colour is all about my granmother. I’ve been thinking her a lot and and her birthday is in February also. Hmm.. Isn’t the surface bit gramotherish too ??!! :o)
    Subconsious mind is an interesting thing, isn’t it ?!!

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